Together We Can: Pawtucket & Central Falls
Participatory Budgeting in the Pawtucket & Central Falls Health Equity Zone
*****THE RESULTS ARE IN!!*****
Thank you to 805 residents of Pawtucket and Central Falls for voting and making your voice heard!
The two projects which will be funded are:
Sprinkler Water Park & Outdoor Fitness Park: $288,000 (447 votes)
Installation of a free sprinkler water park in Pawtucket and outdoor fitness park in Central Falls. The sprinkler water park will provide fun for families to cool off in the summertime heat. It will be located in Pawtucket. It will be inclusive to all and accessible to people with physical/mobility limitations. In addition, the outdoor fitness park in Central Falls. The fitness park will provide people of all ages and abilities a space to exercise. It is important for residents, no matter their income, to have access to spaces where they can exercise, cool off, and have fun!
Mental Health: End the Stigma Campaign: $97,000 (424 votes)
A multi-media campaign to bring awareness to mental health needs for people of all ages, cultures, and backgrounds. Project may include elements such as: billboards, radio, videos, murals and more. This project is necessary to address the growing mental health epidemic. This will benefit children, young adults and families who need assistance or are afraid or don’t know how to seek support. Campaign may include for example: billboards, murals, bus ads, videos, photos, and stories of people to help bring awareness of mental health needs and resources.
More info available in this Article: R.I. asked ordinary people how to spend over $1m on their neighborhoods. Here’s how that process could be the future. - The Boston Globe